Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trivial Thoughts

I think it shouldn’t be so
To be opinionated about opinions
To think ill of thoughts and be skeptical of speculations
To call norms values, and old practices traditions
And to write words in stone and stone like books

I think it shouldn’t be so
That God in the dictionary, is a being, not a concept
That cows are sacred and pigs are not
And philosophies are sacred cows
And some men are killed and some are martyred
And the thesaurus lists spirituality as a synonym for religion
Right next to theology, cult, myth and ritual
I think it shouldn’t be so

I think it shouldn’t be so
That food is expensive
And good food is more expensive
That there is good food and bad food
And that food is thrown in cafeteria food fights
And in trash for the fear of liability
I think it shouldn't be so
That there can be liability for feeding the hungry

I think it shouldn’t be so
That female infanticide is an issue
And ‘male dominant society’ is still a subject of discussion
That there are war crimes but war is not a crime
And heroes are chosen from wars
That equal is different from just
And ethics is assumed to be ethical

I think it shouldn’t be so
That some children and relationships can be illegitimate
That morality is subjected to paradigms
That sex is for procreation
And love does not have a plural form

I think it shouldn’t be so
That life is often compared to a journey
My life is not a journey
It is like orange colored play dough
I use it to make buttercups
Sometimes they don’t look like buttercups
Sometimes I forget how to make buttercups
Sometimes I get tired of making buttercups
I think it shouldn’t be so
That it is trivially called destiny.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Mysterious ways

Do you know how grief feels?
It is not pain but lingers like that
Similar to holding your heart in your hand and watch it burn

Do you know how grief feels?
Its when you stitch up your eyes slowly as if closing a wound
And then rip them open because you couldn't breath
Do you know how that feels?

And do you know how salt feels in those eyes?
And on breasts where you flayed them with your own nails
Or on raw fingertips
After you plucked off the nails in disgust

Do you know how grief feels?
When each pore on your body is either a pustule or a canker
And you cannot get rid of the stench?

And you wander from room to room
Looking for a prepared place  
Where they would put the body on a plank
To bathe and shroud it
And if you asked them ever so nicely
To bathe and shroud you instead
They'd tell you to get hold of yourself
Because God works in mysterious ways

Do you know how grief feels to hear that?
I do!

Just as I know that God is not a mother

Monday, June 10, 2013


Then, in the light
I see the divine secrets unfold
Simplifications consume the magic
And pride dissipates
Under the soggy showers of awakening

Love is a bitch, truth is a bother
I fight with myself to put desires to sleep
Memories of hope, confidence and belief
Are blown out by time
One by one, like candles in a dust storm

So again it is a journey
Again it is departure
And yet again I trust my deceptive heart
To be a fellow traveler
Through the colors of a one night stand

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Eclipse is when the moon stands in front of the sun
Looking for its reflection as a whole entity
Finding that it’s smaller and darker

A storm is when the wind and the rain turn my garden to muck

Monsoon is when young girls sway on the seats of tall swings

Monsoon is when the river swells and wipes away little towns on its banks

In eyes like mine saline waters of a rising tide threaten but do not spill

Doomsday recurs every day
With different names and in different garbs

Dark, deep and quiet
Dreams in the night become dreams of the night

Beauty of life remains undecided
For reasons like the peacock and its feet and its cry

I look for signs; I read the lines
In coffee cups, in sea shells and on the palm of my hand

I find you closer than myself, to me
I pray to keep and I let it bee

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Deathless I exist
In countless days within endless seasons
Writing my own tomorrows
Limit is the word which was not to be for me

Eternal time,
The source of all beginnings
For it has no barriers no bounds no brinks

Like a fountain of prolific intuitions
Volleying between sensibility and perception ...
Time gushes
As the mind muses over logic,
Teasing, pondering, reflecting

And somewhere
In these countless days within endless seasons
Begins a morning at noon
With urgent conversations and swift comprehensions
In lives where midnight will always be at sunrise

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Other Side

If life is a journey
Then direction is insignificant
And passage should be unconstricted 
Through this aberrant sojourn in time

While here
I prevail in icicle moments
hanging from a thin sky
Dripping microseconds
Which evaporate before they hit where there's no ground

Within the icicles
I spin on my heels,
And march through strange corridors
Flippantly constructed for me
Counting every breath, marking every step
I seek a beating pulse in each clangorous footfall

Sometimes I pause
On unfamiliar shores edging unexplored vastnesses
My eyes reaching the heaving watery horizons
From where age, like swelling tide
Rises in rollicking waves 
Each touching a note higher than the previous
Before breaking into scintillating moments 
On moist sands of time

Sometimes I sit on the moist sand
And gaze at the pieces of past
Just watching through the wait of long lazy hours
Looking for a glimpse of myself 
Or an eyeful of you
And the drumming of a heartbeat in that!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I fell hard
And the delicate blow glass shapes in me
Shattered into smithereens
The curves, the bends, the swells and the mounds
Came down
Shriveled into sparkling grains of nothing
My eyes rolled to the tilted corner of the rickety table I fell on
Eyes of jade
With specks of quartz
I saw my brow
Lying flat on the ground
A marble slab carved with a void
My sparkling tongue of topaz blue
Lay nearby
Pulsating with the last bits of life
My ruby lips, turned to garnet where blood dried
My hands snagging on the thick sheets of time
With shrapnel in place of finger nails

My feet are still planted firmly
But the cracks in the ground run up my ankles
To my knees, into my chest
There will be cracks in my heart
There is blood
Oozing out of crystalline pureness of glass
There is pain resting in each broken chard

I try to recall the moment of divinity
The moment of grace
The moment of nirvana
The point from where I fell
I fell hard
Through the arms of those who could have caught me
Or so I wanted to believe

Love Walks With Me the Empty Street

Love walks with me the empty street

Through nagging cries coaxing retreat

Stepping around an old defeat

Rags of dust over aching feet

Love walks with me the empty street

Facing all odds, all exceptions

Steering past lies, shams, deceptions

Hopes which die before inception

Love walks with me the empty street

On storm beaten paths, in ditches and puddles

Where seasons of past have rendered a muddle

I ramble, I shuffle, I lag, I huddle

Love walks with me the empty street

Through treacherous climbs of pathways so steep

Curbsides lay laden with milestones in heaps

Where salt crusted eyes wait begging to weep

Love walks with me the empty street

Turning a corner it happens by chance

When into its eyes I manage a glance

It bats them at me in fetching conceit

Love walks with me the empty street

The Tenacious Traveler

And he began

From within the capricious shadows of the night

Under destiny’s fickle eye

The tenacious traveler set his travel afoot

Though the voices called him to linger by

For the dark is deceitful and the moment obscure

Lest the journey is arduous than presumed

The path could be darker than perceived by any

Leading endless to a murky gloom

He began still, the tenacious traveler

His was the courage, the conviction and the valor

Truth was his light for all which was dark

His was the belief, profound and stellar

Stars were his guide for the journey embarked

The tenacious traveler travelled

The tenacious traveler travelled in the night

And the night travelled with him

The belief sat firmly perched on his shoulder

And the valor stayed put within

But the light which shimmered at the deepest end

Did not grow into a star

The conniving flame, it flickered the same

From near, as it did from afar

The skyline did not rise into a city at all

It tapered to tombstones instead

Where the sounds were lost in the stillness of time

And the living were replaced with dead

The fires were cold and cries were quiet

And tears had nowhere to flow

The saplings of passion were hammered back into ground

By convention’s fateful blows

And echoes there, never left the walls

Of caverns where screams were formed

Where blood never oozed from gaping wounds

On bodies mangled and torn


The tenacious traveler’s hopes plummeted

As he swallowed his rage and pride

With a bigoted sword, he slit his throat

And lay down by a forgotten grave’s side!

The Willows on Danube

I grow on my own
I spread like a weed
I let pools of water
Sit next to my feet

I ripe without fuss
I flower with ease
I watch every season
Sprout stories on me

Bound into verses
By poets of yore
Lived through the chapters
Of legend and lore

You picture me tall
You picture me bent
You picture me spread
From end to an end

In sunlight I shimmer
In twilight I swoon
My tales can be told
Under a full moon

Who am I?